Friday, October 12, 2007

Top Producers: Opening the Door to 'Closed' Offices

Ten years ago, if a salesperson told their manager that an office was “closed” it would have meant that there was no one answering phones, no cars in the parking lot and the door was locked. Today, over half of all real estate offices are “closed,” meaning that they do not allow title representatives, lenders, and the like to stroll thorough the office aimlessly without an appointment. Believe it or not, closed offices represent the best opportunity to develop new customers and virtually eliminate the competition.

Let’s examine some reasons why closed offices present such an opportunity for our industry.
In a more discriminating market as we have seen in recent months, it has become more apparent than ever that the top-tiered real estate and mortgage professionals will be those that remain in a down-turned, unpredictable market. You must turn this corrective market into a clearly defined opportunity for success. The highest level producers work in closed offices because they get more work done. They have earned the right to be left alone, without constant interruption of someone bringing a “new pad of paper and a title company pen.”

According to consistent polling of top producers nationwide, RightNow has found that realtors who earn more than $200k per year believe that title company representatives provide “little to no value to their business.” The reasons they cite are many, but include such remarks as “I can buy my own bagels”, and “I hate when people ask me if there is anything they can get me today.” To top producers, title representatives have earned a reputation, deserved or not, comparable to used car sales.

Since many of your competitors sell in this manner, this is an opportunity for you to clearly differentiate yourself in order to reach this seemingly unattainable market. When we provide a higher level of professional service, we are seen as time savers rather than time wasters. The key is in the value you provide to increasing THEIR business.

Working by appointment is more efficient.

Doctors, lawyers, CPAs all work by appointment. In other non-retail industries, such as real estate sales, salespeople go out with a distinct purpose for every sales call. Even a real estate agent, for example, goes on a listing presentation appointment. Can you imagine a real estate agent knocking on your door one Saturday, and asking if there is anything they could ‘get you’ today? Let's agree not to do this.

Why not create an opportunity for us to ask direct questions that relate to the development of agent’s business, such as “What portion of your business do you want to focus your energy on in the next 90 days, therefore producing more sales?” When our salespeople ask intelligent questions, they become more professional and dramatically increase their effectiveness and results. You are creating an opportunity to provide Value to the top producer, giving them exactly what they want.

Just ask

Asking for the appointment is never easy. In truth, closed real estate offices require us to be more creative in our sales approach. They are the gate keepers to top producing agents. Not only do the top producers congregate there, but your competitors are scared and they go largely unsolicited. The most efficient sales approach in any office is appointment based. In closed offices it is the key to your success. Focus your attention on creating appointment-based sales opportunities within closed offices and you will leave competitors in your dust. Where would you rather be ~ in an office that has already seen seven of your competitors this morning? Or, in an office that hasn’t seen any of your competitors this year?


Jeff said...

Hit the nail on the head on this one... But now, some offices in our area are starting to charge a yearly fee to get access to their agents. $300 gets you in, so that you are able to schedule appointments, lunches, etc...

I'm pretty sure that's a violation of some sort for title companies. Plus, I don't think I should have to pay you to get in front of you.

Have you ever heard of such a thing?


Joe Curtis said...

I haven't heard of that YET... Focus on the top agents (the ones that don't like to be told where they can open escrow) and they'll let you in.

What area are you in? I want to investigage further.


Jeff said...


Sorry for taking so long to get back...

I was just reviewing your blog for some ideas to present to our team about how to provide value to mortgage brokers, and saw that you had replied to me.

I'm in the Portland, OR area with Western Title & Escrow. I can give you more detailed info via email if you'd like.

Take care,